Campari UK showcases Shaken Not Broken Christmas campaign

Thursday, November 26, 2020

The share of office Christmas celebrations in pubs, bars and restaurants is down 73% since 2019

Responding to the findings, Campari UK is calling for those businesses that might not be able to put their cash behind the counter this year to instead and donate 5 per cent of any unspent party budget to help the Hospitality Workers Emergency Fund, Shaken Not Broken.

Corporations including Wavemaker UK, The Craft Gin Club, Spinach Branding, Revolution Bars Group, HT Drinks (aka the HT Drinks Enterprise), investor and TV dragon Sarah Willingham have already made donations to the cause.

The study commissioned by the campaign found that the proportion of companies planning parties for pubs had plunged sharply from seven in ten in 2019 (71%) to only two in ten this year (19%).

Two-fifths of UK companies (38%) have cancelled or delayed any celebration this year completely, while 18% have been reduced to a virtual event and 8% are yet to elect.

With firms normally having to pay £49.80 per employee for annual fund-raising events, the ultimate effect on staff's earnings and emotional and mental well-being could be catastrophic.

Over Six third (37 percent) of cancellations are due to difficulties in maintaining social distance at hosting venues, a similar proportion (35 percent) due to a rule of Six. One out of Six companies (20 percent) have also cancelled due to the number of employees working from home.